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Member Since: 09 Apr 2009
Location: Somerset
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Well I came on here to post what a crap waste of space it was to be beaten to it by all of you.

Two and a half hours drive each way, £50 worth of diesel and £28 for entry. 2 hours seen everything, baught nothing despite going with afist full of cash and a shopping list.

Seriously underwhelmed. letters not necessarily in the right order

Post #26728 29th Aug 2010 4:19pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

Dixy wrote:
2 hours seen everything, bought nothing despite going with a fist full of cash and a shopping list.

Seriously underwhelmed.

I spent about £30 on food/drink (non alcoholic) and 50p on a tax disc holder. 

Post #26732 29th Aug 2010 4:46pm
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dan_uk_1984 wrote:
Dixy wrote:
2 hours seen everything, bought nothing despite going with a fist full of cash and a shopping list.

Seriously underwhelmed.

I spent about £30 on food/drink (non alcoholic) and 50p on a tax disc holder.

50p well spent then... Very Happy ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #26736 29th Aug 2010 5:19pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
Location: Bude, Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

scarey wrote:
dan_uk_1984 wrote:
Dixy wrote:
2 hours seen everything, bought nothing despite going with a fist full of cash and a shopping list.

Seriously underwhelmed.

I spent about £30 on food/drink (non alcoholic) and 50p on a tax disc holder.

50p well spent then... Very Happy

Yeah, so to break it down, the tax disk holder probably cost me nearly £200 all in! 

Post #26738 29th Aug 2010 5:20pm
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Tim in Scotland

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delamo wrote:
.................All credit (and many thanks) to Martin for creating this terrific site and the other LR sites - maybe we should leave it to him to organise a decent meeting? Whistle

I have been on (and organised) several meets for D3 and RRSport owners who are members of Martin's forums - and I have to say the D3 guys have it off to a fine art with usually really good attendance.

Last year I ran an August Drive round the General Wade's Military Roads of the lower Highlands, we had a brilliant day and I made a point of saying there was to be no off-road antics but in case some fancied some very gentle on the grass stuff I made the afternoon tea stop on the top of a small hummock easily accessible by all Land Rovers..................... only one car didn't try it and it was understandable as it was a bespoilered RRS Stormer edition with the HST front air dam. That wee trip on the grass turned into a great impromptu lesson from the owner of the one FFRR that came along giving all the car owners a lesson in how to get their car to go into superextended offroad height - many thanks John! RRSport ran one superb afternoon out with a lot of help from Lookers Park Royal where we started with 20 cars from Dukes Road and ended up with nearly 40 at the Ace Cafe in NW London - even the bikers there came and wandered through every sort of RRS on show, even some of the customised RRS's came along. It isn't everybody's cup of tea though. I am home until November, if any of the Scottish members would like to have a day out as a group I would be very happy to run another jaunt with picnics. 2018 Mini Countryman Cooper S E All4 PHEV in Melting Silver - it’s whisper quiet in EV and polluter modes

Post #26739 29th Aug 2010 5:24pm
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Member Since: 24 Jul 2010
Location: Bury
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United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Cairns Blue

Well what a good weekend we had on the Landytown club stand.
Hit and miss with the weather bit we in England arn't we !!.
As to the negative comments........ No matter what event you go to either it a landie show or BTCC, F1 or an airshow, catering prices are always sky high, so probably best to take your own and beat them at their own game.
As to the entry price, it can vary to what club you are in and the size of it. We potentially landytown had over a dozen heavley discounted weekend camping tickets but if we went over that allocation it would have gone to the £50 as mentioned.
You were able to walk round the G4 and Camels stands as far as I was aware as myself and partner did so.
Yes perhaps there are to many Landrover shows and also this one I feel was a day to long and at the wrong time when people are still potentially on their summer Holidays, also accessories for the FFRR are always thin on the ground full stop let alone at shows.

Its not good to hear people had a bad experiance Sad

Dan sorry I didn't get in touch but helping out on our club stand and having a brief look round took up all my time.

If there is anyone reading this who would potentially like reduced rate entry to some shows please have a look at and their events section and we would be pleased to help out as best we can.

My FFRR did the anniversary run from Gaydon to the show and was in the arena on the Sat with about 30 other RR , it went round the off road course with no damage on Sat afternoon and it also did the twist off on Sun afternoon.
I got alot more people talking to me about the RR after it had got dirty !!!

So all in all for us a good weekend. 

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Post #26849 31st Aug 2010 11:22am
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
Location: Bude, Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

I popped over to the Landytown stand actually, I must admit I was really impressed with how friendly the guys at the front were. They made a deffinate good impression of the club, so much so that I will probably join. 10 times better than RRR. I think they said they had a couple of members in Wilts'...

Did they take the rope down on Sunday, you can see it here, it went all round the G4 stand as far as I could see:

G4 RR by d86cfv, on Flickr 

Post #26858 31st Aug 2010 12:56pm
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Member Since: 24 Jul 2010
Location: Bury
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United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Cairns Blue

I think the rope was there all weekend. We just walked in at the top corner near where the big trailer was , mooched about the L322 because I went to look at the ladder as I really really want a ladder for mine. Nobody stopped us or said anything to us . 

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Post #26863 31st Aug 2010 1:22pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
Location: Bude, Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

You bypassed the rope!? RULEBREAKER!! Rolling with laughter 

Post #26864 31st Aug 2010 1:29pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
Location: Bude, Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

FYi, I sent an e-mail of complaint in which LRM ignored, I then sent it in to every address I could find on the LRM website, which got ignored...

I then rang, and without asking for any more info they just refunded all my money.

So if you were unhappy with the show and you purchased online I suggest you ring and ask for a refund!

Dear Sirs,

I have just returned home from a very disappointing LRM Show. I would like to ask for a full refund of my ticket cost as I feel it just did not offer good value for money, amongst other reasons which I shall detail below.

I arrived at the gate at 20:05, the very first thing I did was apologize for being late as I had just been stuck on the M1 for 3 hours behind a lorry fire. The gentleman I initially spoke to was courteous enough, however he said I would need to speak to "the lady in the orange jacket" before I could go in. Puzzled I pulled over and presented her with my ticket, she said "I was lucky I was being let in at all as it was so late" I explained that there was no time restriction on my ticket, or in any of the paperwork sent to me. I then asked where the RRR was camping as I was supposed to be camping with them. She said you're not camping with them you have a standard ticket. Again I had to explain that I sent an e-mail in that never got answered, and then I spoke to someone on the phone who said it was all fine and just to explain on the gate! After this she refused to let me in at all! I then had to ring someone from the RRR and get them to come to the gate to get her to let me in. This process took about 20-30 minutes, as other people were coming and going un-hindered.

Then on Saturday there was the twist off challenge, I was going to try this on Sunday as my car was on the club display stand on Sat, however, another L322 was in the arena and was mocked and belittled by the commentator so much that I didn't feel as if I wanted to take part. By this time, as he was making jokes at this guys expense and jeering the crowd on, I felt that as a fellow L322 owner I really didn't feel welcome. This is a very sorry state of affairs as in 10-15 years time, the Mk3 will be as popular as the classic is now, putting people off in this way is counter productive.

To add to the above, the facilities were disgusting, the floor in the gents was soaked in urine the whole time I was there and only 3 of the 5 cubicles in the toilet block had locks on the doors. Had this been a £15-£20 event (which I have paid before and had a much better time) I wouldn't have felt the need to complain. The fact that you've charged me £50 (with £10 discount) to exhibit my vehicle and walk around for an hour before all the stalls are done I feel robbed.

I look forward to receiving my refund.

Yours Sincerely,

Daniel Dollin

Post #27101 2nd Sep 2010 4:23pm
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Member Since: 24 Jul 2010
Location: Bury
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United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Cairns Blue

Its good you got a refund, but I still think we were at different shows !! 

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Post #27105 2nd Sep 2010 4:37pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
Location: Bude, Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

RRRob wrote:
Its good you got a refund, but I still think we were at different shows !!

I think it's different if you go with people, ie the other half etc. Also you were involved with your stand and the run which no doubt kept you busy for a few hours etc.

As I went on my own I really did struggle to find things to do. I watched the arena for a bit and walked round the stalls 4 or 5 times on the sat and had 1 bacon roll and 2 burgers!

No way could I have strung this out for 2-3 days! 

Post #27110 2nd Sep 2010 5:52pm
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