Possible Transmission failure, any ideas? | |
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie here although have read several threads via google.
I have a TDV8 and am currently on holiday in Italy. first problem was the Terrain Response System failure message came up on the nav screen along with a similar message on the dash display, Transmission Range unavailable or similar - while this occurred - at low speed negotiating a steep, right hand car park entrance the car juddered backward and forward with lots of transmission noise. Since then it drove OK although the terrain response system is still inactive and the odd gearchange was a little clunky.
However today after a 100 mile run it finally gave up drive with the accompaniment of a very loud rev dependent screeching sound, no forward drive at all and a extremely limited and jerky rearward drive. The car was recovered and is now at the main dealer in Genova awaiting diagnosis.
My main concern is that the auto box is goosed or could it be something simpler like a driveshaft/cv joint? I realise though that there's the transfer box and god knows what else in these complicated beasts!
Just wondered if anyone has experienced a similar problem and what the cause was. Many Thanks Paul