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Member Since: 25 Mar 2013
Location: Bairns
Posts: 4218

Scotland 2014 Range Rover Vogue SDV6 Santorini Black
Range Rover Buyers Beware - ABC


Thought I would share our 'new ownership' experience to date which has turned into an unforgettable experience:

To set the scene - This car was bought from LR main dealer/ leading UK group. We bought it 'remotely', based on photographic images and reassurances about how good the car is. The direct reassurances came from up to Dealer Principal level and repeated assurances were given that the dealership had been over the car with a fine tooth comb to ensure we would 'not be disappointed'. After extended remote dialogue with the dealership, I embarked - due to my circumstances at the time - alone and on an early hours one way train journey that took 5 hours door to door. I did inspect the car and the paperwork on arrival however, I was fatigued and had a long drive home ahead of me so took only a very slow speed max 2 mile round trip test drive. For once, I went against my grain and put my trust in 'face value'.

'Top of the range' RR. Beautiful looking car inside and out. Premium paid for the privilege.

Within first 48 hours of ownership found rust on rear wheel arches whilst washing it and then more closely scrutinised entire car/ picking up on other issues including an obvious fault on the steering which felt heavy.

Day 2 - reported concerns to selling garage and got no response at all for 5 days (during which time I basically garaged the car until knowing where I stood).

Seller then told me to take car into their local counterpart for assessment (however local dealership - who knew what the issues were - couldn't look at car for some time).

Earlier this week (3.5 weeks after getting the car) dropped car off at local dealership (dropped off 1 day early to be sure both garages communicated/ reached authorisation agreement before the due work start date). No courtesy car supplied.

Rang local dealership yesterday afternoon to be told that my long list of concerns was justified but my car had been sitting unworked on since I dropped it off over 3 days before because the selling garage had yet to authorise repairs including the rust/ bodywork repairs which were the main reason the selling garage told me to book the car in for local repair in the first place.

So... the car sits in a local dealership and won't have any work done on it until Tuesday due to the Bank Holiday.

We have owned this car for 4 weeks/ have travelled less then 400 miles in it pending resolution of a number of issues... and it would appear we will now wait at least another week until getting it back (if we take it back).

Between both LR main dealers, they have now apologised, are supplying a courtesy car today and say they will repair and remedy all issues regardless of cost. However, this has turned into the most time consuming, unpleasant, stressful and unprofessional car purchase experience we have ever had. All avoidable if the selling garage had been more successful with their preparation.

It is apparent that in this case, the approved used multi point inspection was not undertaken to the standard you might expect.

Confirmed issues to date include:

Rust/ bodywork in need of repair;
Servotronic valve on the steering needs to be replaced;
TPMS needs replaced on all 5 wheels/ tyres deflating due to the failing valves (this is one of the most annoying points because on looking at the valves they are obviously spent... and the selling garage had to put 4 x new tyres on the car before it was ready for sale!);
Defective door seal;
Missing trim/ fixings;
Repeated flat battery

My understanding is that the identified issues (battery aside) will cost over £1000 to make good and that is without VAT.

To be fair to the local dealership, despite poor communication and malaise regarding allowing the car to sit idle for over 3 days, their technicians who have assessed the car have agreed and have independently diagnosed problems in need of correction.

None of the identified problems to date mean that the car is a bad car. The majority of the issues are straightforward repairs and doubtless could be done at a fraction of the cost outwith the main dealer network. However, the point is that the bulk of the deficiencies are (I now learn) well known 'things to look out for' on these cars. Which makes it all the more unacceptable that the selling main dealer/ technicians did not detect/ act upon them during the pre-sale approved used multi point inspection process.

5 weeks of ownership and we have not been able to enjoy or use this car (local dealership agree we were right not to drive it and to await resolution).

My wife, whose car it is, is telling me to hand the car back and get a refund (which we are entitled to do).

So the moral of the story is buyer beware no matter who is selling the car, no matter their standing or reputation and regardless of the assurances you are given (and I was given plenty of assurances).

I suppose it could be argued that we are lucky the seller is paying for these things to be remedied but... read the LR UK approved used pledge and these issues should all have been detected and dealt with before sale/ that is one of the reasons you pay a premium to main dealers when buying their cars.

This is not a rant or about naming and shaming the group involved, it's about sharing an unpleasant experience and hoping that nobody else falls foul in the way we have done. If the group staff involved are true to their current word and remedy all issues then I respect that.

However, even if all of the issues are properly remedied and despite the fact [I still believe] it is a fantastic car, my wife does not agree.

It is difficult to get beyond the fact that for 5 weeks we have not been able to use an expensive car (during which time we have, as just one small example, 'wasted' 1 month of the £490/year road tax). We have experienced unacceptable discourtesy and until late yesterday, have had nothing but stress and uncertainty about what happens next.

ABC... Assume nothing; Believe nothing; Challenge everything

And this link might help too:

Last edited by pld118 on 4th Jul 2013 12:18pm. Edited 5 times in total

Post #186483 4th May 2013 6:48am
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Member Since: 05 Jun 2011
Location: Windsor & Brentwood
Posts: 1228

England 2011 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Santorini Black

Sorry to hear of your experience.

It just goes to show that buying from a LR main dealer does not guarantee the service that they promise. Obviouusly some are better than others, and some will let the occasional one slip through the net but when they charge a higher resale price then they need to justify it. That is why many on here avoid paying a premium for something that is still potentially no better checked than a small car dealer or private sale. Tom

Current Drive
2011 4.4 TDV8 Autobiography - Santorini Black - Ivory Leather

Previous Drives
2004 Model Vogue Td6 (Touchscreen) - Java Black - Parchment Leather
1994 RR Classic 3.9 V8 Soft dash - Niagara Grey - Grey Leather
1972 Series III SWB Safari - Green (Hand Painted) - Black Plastic

Post #186484 4th May 2013 6:54am
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Member Since: 11 Sep 2008
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So who were the supplying main LR dealers Question Question to pre warn other buyers

Post #186485 4th May 2013 7:06am
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United Kingdom 

i need to point out that because of the distance between him and the dealer the OP brought the range without seeing it or test driving it..
if he had he would have possibly noticed these problems at the inspection..
saying that, even at test drives you do miss bits and pieces but its re-assuring that 'finally' the selling dealer is getting its act together.. ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Last edited by stan on 4th May 2013 8:00am. Edited 1 time in total

Post #186487 4th May 2013 7:52am
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Member Since: 25 Mar 2013
Location: Bairns
Posts: 4218

Scotland 2014 Range Rover Vogue SDV6 Santorini Black

Hope you understand Joker but don't want to prejudice our current situation or the people involved until we know what the final outcome is/ hence not openly named dealership...

This is a brilliant website and it is obvious that many members/ readers do look to the main dealer network for cars... suppose point I'm trying to make is to hopefully share a bad experience from a constructive/ preventative perspective:

1. Go along to the main dealer with someone;
2. Take along your long and unwieldy checklist; and
3. Go through that checklist and inspect/ inspect again until you are totally satisfied; and
4. Don't feel awkward about doing all of that just because you are surrounded by suits and £100k cars;
5. If you've travelled a long way to get the car and find things amiss, then if you are still prepared to take the car, get a written remedy plan before paying the balance so that issues are resolved within a specified period of time.
6. And overall work to the ABC rule until you know all of the facts/ before handing over any money.

Last edited by pld118 on 5th May 2013 2:58pm. Edited 2 times in total

Post #186488 4th May 2013 7:57am
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Member Since: 11 Jan 2011
Location: Bakewell
Posts: 1199

United Kingdom 

I agree with Joker - name & shame.

Everyone who has had this kind of "customer service" is sick to death of lies and glass fronted showrooms.

For me, it was Stratstone Solihull who tried to sell me a mis represented car and e mailed images of a completely different vehicle.

These are not isolated incidents.

If you do keep the car, ensure you are more than adequately compensated - get them on their knees.

Good luck and hope you eventually enjoy the car !

Thumbs Up Where do you go after one of these . . . ?

Post #186489 4th May 2013 7:57am
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Member Since: 29 Apr 2010
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History has always shown me that until I have bought a car (no matter how much effort I put in at pre-sale) and then spent a week at home pouring over it, taking things apart etc. do I get a full picture of what the car is actually like. (And still finding things out today after 5 years!!)

Like the OP I have bought (admittedly cheaper ones than an FFRR) cars on spec over the net without seeing them first, and so far two good 'uns vs one real dog !!

This is all about expectations. OP is right to expect better/best from an LR dealer, and we see time and time again on the forum nearly all LR dealers not meeting customer requirements on occasion, and we are right to bring them to task. If LR dealers truly believe in delivering quality, they need to fix the problems and make the customer happy. It does seem in this instance, though slowly, this is happening. OP should wait until resolution to give verdict.

caveat emptor all the way!! Thumbs Up .
Experience is the only genuine knowledge, but as time passes, I have forgotten more than I can remember Wink
Volvo V70 P2 2006 2.4 Petrol 170bhp Estate SE
MG Midget Mk1 1962

Previous: L322 Range Rover TDV8 3.6 2008; L322 Range Rover TD6 3.0 2002; P38A Range Rover V8 1999

Post #186494 4th May 2013 8:28am
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Member Since: 25 Mar 2013
Location: Bairns
Posts: 4218

Scotland 2014 Range Rover Vogue SDV6 Santorini Black

My wife and I have never bought a car 'remotely' like this before/ without viewing it at least once... although I have done on behalf of family members and their purchases have all been without a glitch (all BMW's from main dealerships).

It's true that because this car has been idle in my own garage for over 3 weeks, I have had time and the opportunity to look and look again/ discover faults that if it had been a dirt gathering daily driver for business purposes might well have been overlooked.

My OP is meant to be from a 'customer's eye' experience. Whilst from a rightly aggrieved and weary perspective it is in no way intended to be 'an attack' on any person or dealership and it is not intended to come across as any final 'judgement' because matters are obviously ongoing. That said, I've been patient, I've been calm and having been more than polite/ reasonable... it's not good enough!

The courtesy car has just arrived and my wife is speaking to me again/ has just gone out in it... so that's is one stress that has diminished (for now)! Wink

Post #186499 4th May 2013 9:15am
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
Location: Gloucestershire
Posts: 16315

England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

With the greatest of respect, what were you thinking buying a car blind if your not an expert? And even the experts get bitten from time to time...

And to trust the description of a salesman within a main agents...

I am constantly amazed by people, Writing on forums about cars that are obviously not right but have been "very british" and accepted the job, paid the bill, smiled and driven away! Madness!

Post #186501 4th May 2013 9:30am
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Member Since: 24 Mar 2011
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New Zealand 2010 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Galway Green

I have not bought a car over the internet yet but I have bought two motorbikes like that.

The first was a Honda Fireblade that I bought in New Zealand when I lived there. It was on Trademe, I bought it on pictures, emails and a phone call. When the bike arrived it was every bit what it was advertised and in brilliant condition.

The second was a Kawasaki ZZR 1400 (or actually a ZX-14 as it was a US model). Bought with a motorbike dealer that has an online shop as well. It only had 900 miles on it and was sold as being in perfect condition. They serviced it for me (oil, filters) and helped with the shipping of it from the North East US to Houston where my bike trip was going to start from. Again this bike was in absolutely perfect nick and I still have it (disassembled in my storage container but that will be reversed once I have a workshop and time again).

I would not do the same with a car though, unless the dealer/seller comes recommended by someone I know (well) or someone like Gaz, with a very good reputation. I can imagine people doing this with a main dealer but only one that has a good reputation.

It is very sad that it is very hard to trust people in this day and age that their word is good, I miss the times where you could do a deal on a handshake. Gosh, I really sound like an old man now Sad

Anyway, lets hope the dealer in this story will actually make good the deficiencies and sort out the car properly without further ado. MY 2010 5.0 SC Galway green and sand interior!!
Have the Faultmate MSV2 Extreme to be tinkering with the settings etc. !!

Post #186503 4th May 2013 10:14am
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Member Since: 25 Mar 2013
Location: Bairns
Posts: 4218

Scotland 2014 Range Rover Vogue SDV6 Santorini Black

It is true that I am no 'expert'...

And would not strictly describe myself as 'very british'/ see national flag.

In my experience (if you give it you must also take it):

A. When someone starts a sentence with the words 'with the greatest of respect...' something condescending is about to follow...

B. If forums like this didn't exist, 'mad' men (or women) like me would never become enlightened (before or after purchase)

C. 'Experts' - People who masquerade behind fancy titles inevitably end up professionally embarassed at some stage. Always preferred the word professionals myself...

It wasn't [just] a sales person it was the Dealer Principal who said he had inspected the car himself (due to bona fide issue that arose with Sales personnel) and said DP gave the assurances.

To an extent you are right... and yes, one felt like a complete mug long before the addition of your nail in the coffin... we live and learn Wink Thumbs Up

Post #186505 4th May 2013 10:24am
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
Location: Gloucestershire
Posts: 16315

England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

A DP personally inspecting a vehicle... I very much doubt it... Most from experience wouldn't know one end of a FF from the other... Whistle

Post #186506 4th May 2013 10:52am
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2011
Location: Beside the Solway
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England 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Giverny Green

^^^^ Well known saying containing the words "a Censored e and "elbow" springs to mind. Laughing

Post #186511 4th May 2013 11:29am
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Member Since: 25 Mar 2013
Location: Bairns
Posts: 4218

Scotland 2014 Range Rover Vogue SDV6 Santorini Black

We have driven away but have not 'accepted the bill'...

Many main dealers have a 1000 miles/ 1 month policy (which was always to the forefront of the mind even when driving away).

There are apparently things not right with this car but I do believe it remains a good car (based on 20 years experience of successfully buying personal use cars and meticulously looking after/ maintaining them/ never before having bought a dud)... it seem that perhaps the preparation just wasn't appropriate in this instance.

If nothing else, hopefully, what we are 'on the ball' with is pursuing our consumer rights... and in this case I'm glad at having purchased from a main dealer as opposed to a one man band as otherwise we might have been up the creek with large/ unduly early repair bills (but to be fair/ from a 'comebacks' perspective, that is why people like us prefer to buy from large main dealer groups because of the rights that extend to the customer if things do go wrong.. and I know of at least one prominent member of this forum who had an interest in what was to become 'our car' whilst the selling main dealer had it for sale ).

Opinions vary and that's what's good about this forum.. All good, healthy debate and whatever the opinions, hopefully someone will get something out of this (that was the well intentioned idea anyway)...

Thumbs Up

Post #186513 4th May 2013 11:46am
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Paul, i think you were led into a false sense of security when the DP said he would make sure the range was tip top [thats he did bother].. but at least you have the benefit of a national company with a pretty good reputation willing to put things right, a lot of car buyers dont and have to go through a fair bit of agro to get things sorted , if at all.. ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Last edited by stan on 4th May 2013 5:49pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #186520 4th May 2013 1:46pm
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