Steering wheel heater stops if bending lights go in error | |
Hello everybody,
I have stange behavior on my FF Vogue TDV8 2007.
The light show of the AFS during the engine start stopped sometime the left light level below the normal height.
But I could "reset" it with an new start of the engine. I thought the feedback inside the lamp is "damaged".
2-3 weeks ago the error lamp for bending lights lightened up for the first time,
but stopped flashing after 100km by itself. Since that time it happened more often.
After some days the didn't disappeared only sometimes and by pulling the F32 for AFS.
Since that time the heater of the steering wheel switches off with the AFS-error-lamp
I can reset it with F32 for 10-15km, to have warm fingers, but then the bending lights switch to error again
and the wheel heater is not working again, not even the LED on the wheel.
Is there a ECU for lights AND wheel heater which is actually dying?