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Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
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Squeak of death!

Being a new owner of a Fullfat (02 Vogue 4.4) I have spent the last month geting used to the way the car handles and throws random errors!
Today I set off to the office turned on the radio to be greeted by a loud annoying squeek from one of the speakers (no I was not listening to Radio one Laughing )
I understand from the forum that this could be a sign of water ingress or the amp on it's way out.

Having read on this wonderful forum about Baras and his amp upgrade I am wanting to check 3 things:-

1. If I have the bm53 is this upgradeable to the BM54 and are the connections the same?
2. As the sound quality from the current sound system is so poor (before the squeek), can it be upgraded to Logic7 and is it worth the effort?
3. Does Baras's upgrade make an appreciable difference to the sound quality?

Finally, I understand that a Logic7 upgrade would require coding to the vehicle. Can this be done with the IID tool or is it a visit to the stealers?

Thanks in advance

Post #142043 20th Sep 2012 7:01am
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
Posts: 7880

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

You will have the BM54 unit in your car, as it's a Vogue.

I've had my amp upgraded as you probably know from the posts and I am very happy with the result.

Not sure about the logic 7. Would you not need new speakers and amp plus wiring?

I would be interested in changing the speakers for a set from a 2005 onwards car....... 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
1999 Discovery Td5 ES
1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
1992 Range Rover 3.9 Efi Vogue
1992 BMW M5 3.8
1988 BMW 735i SE
1989 Ford Sierra XR4x4 2.9i
1981 Ford Fiesta Supersport

Post #142045 20th Sep 2012 7:15am
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Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
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That was what I was expecting (hoping) to hear!

I guess the first this is to see if I have got water comming in and see if that can be fixed first! If not then It's off for a chat with Baras

The Logic7 would require running an extra 2 speaker wires from what I can gather, however I am in 2 minds. It may also be that if I get the lineouts fitted, a decent external amp could be brought into the mix to improve the sound.

Post #142047 20th Sep 2012 7:22am
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

I would be very interested to hear what you know about the Logic 7 upgrade, and how you get on if you go that route.

If you pm me your email, I have a logic 7 brochure in pdf for our cars I can send you if you want. Not sure if you need to have made a certain number of posts before you can pm though.

From the looks of it, all the speakers are different, and there are 2 extra speakers near the tailgate.

Re the water ingress, I'd have a good clean up and get the plastic bag from Land Rover for about £7, which doesn't fix the issue, but will stop the expensive kit getting wet.

You've probably seen threads on that already.

EDIT: I understand the system we have is an active system, ie the speaker crossovers are in the amp, so if you use an external amp, there will be no crossovers to limit what frequencies each speaker receives........

Mark 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
1999 Discovery Td5 ES
1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
1992 Range Rover 3.9 Efi Vogue
1992 BMW M5 3.8
1988 BMW 735i SE
1989 Ford Sierra XR4x4 2.9i
1981 Ford Fiesta Supersport

Post #142059 20th Sep 2012 8:08am
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

I've just put the logic 7 pdf in my gallery, so you should be able to get to it and save from there if you wish. 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
1999 Discovery Td5 ES
1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
1992 Range Rover 3.9 Efi Vogue
1992 BMW M5 3.8
1988 BMW 735i SE
1989 Ford Sierra XR4x4 2.9i
1981 Ford Fiesta Supersport

Post #142065 20th Sep 2012 8:22am
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Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
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I guess the crossovers will have to be external as well. I'm thinking that once I get teh Baras upgrade, if I can build a breakout cable, I should be able to get teh line level signal from the original amp to the 3rd party one and on through the crossovers to the speakers using the original cabling. That will reduce the amount of cabling required

I'm guessing that I will need to either a) cut new holes for the extra speakers or b) lay my hands on the internal panels where the speakers need to be it I go down the Logic7 route.

I used to do this sort of thing all the time about 20 years ago. although looking at teh FF wiring, it does make me nervous!!

PM will be with you shortly.


Post #142069 20th Sep 2012 8:28am
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

From his post at the bottom of this thread,

Baris is offering to add Aux Out to the BM54 for £50 if thats any use.

From the looks of it, the "standard" speakers aren't brilliant, so it may be better to change those for aftermarket ones, and not have to worry about crossover issues on the original system ?

They are the weak link on mine now I think, after the Baris mod.

My mate had a 2003 V8 L322, and it cost him about £12 for another front door speaker from Land Rover, which is why I'm sort of keeping an eye out for a set from a 2005+ model.

Proving hard to find.......

Happy with the sound in the meantime though.

There is some more info here, but it's not all relevant to our model year...

and a logic 7 DSP amp on the bay...... 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
1999 Discovery Td5 ES
1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
1992 Range Rover 3.9 Efi Vogue
1992 BMW M5 3.8
1988 BMW 735i SE
1989 Ford Sierra XR4x4 2.9i
1981 Ford Fiesta Supersport

Post #142077 20th Sep 2012 8:45am
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Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
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Turns out it was the Sat Nav unit . Started up after work and a blue screen (eughh) with not sat nav option Big Cry . Had a look in the back and no lights on the unit!

Oh well, looks like I will have to get that replaced first, then see where I go from there!

Post #142236 20th Sep 2012 7:42pm
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Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
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Sat nav replaced with a Mk 4 Very Happy Thumbs Up
BMW logo on startup Sad

Need to work that one out.
Then start looking at the logistics of the sound system upgrade.

Post #142652 24th Sep 2012 7:16am
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

Hi Alex.

Good to hear you have sorted the original issue.

I have the MK4 unit, it was a worthwhile upgrade.

Make sure you turn on the perspective view in the hidden menu, so you get a 3D type map, if you have'nt already.

The system can now keep up with you as you accelerate up the road !!

I have this splash screen ;

which I think looks nice, but there are loads of others on the net.

I didn't change this myself (unit was originally from an X5, my mate bought it to upgrade the MK3 in his M5, and then got an L322, so did the splash screen change. I bought it from him when he sold his L322).

I believe there are like 2 bits to the system, the firmware and the maps and you can update them as you wish.

There should be instructions about as to how to do this.

If you go to your Settings page it should tell you the SW version number.

Version 32 is the latest and last official release from BMW.

Think thats reported as 4-100 or will have 5 digit postcode entry also.

Some versions of the firmware are floating about that have been modded to allow input of 7 digit postcodes for destination, and to show speed cameras, but they were never official from BMW.

Some others on here will know more if they've actually done the firmware themselves.

Useful video here ?

As you've got the MK4 nav now, if you have the BM54 amp upgrade from Baris, if you get him to put the latest firmware on it, you can have dynamic TMC routing, which means the system will automatically warn you of traffic jams and reroute you. This needs to be turned on in a menu after, which I didn't realise for a few weeks........

Mark 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
1999 Discovery Td5 ES
1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
1992 Range Rover 3.9 Efi Vogue
1992 BMW M5 3.8
1988 BMW 735i SE
1989 Ford Sierra XR4x4 2.9i
1981 Ford Fiesta Supersport

Last edited by mjdronfield on 24th Sep 2012 11:39am. Edited 1 time in total

Post #142657 24th Sep 2012 8:00am
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Member Since: 06 Aug 2012
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Thanks Mark.
Sounds like something to keep me amused during the long winter nights Very Happy

I'll have a dig around for the info on hidden menus, firmware versions and so on as I think this could make the system even better than it already is!

Just ordered an IID tool as well, so I can get the EAS back on line. I changed the battery on a (steep) slope and the car had a hissy fit when it tried to sort all the systems out. Everything is fine baring the suspension. I never realised you could have so much fun with a car Thumbs Up

Post #142700 24th Sep 2012 11:25am
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
Posts: 7880

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

There is a bit about the hidden menus here ;

Obviously its a bit of an older page, so options may have changed with later formware.

and more general info......... 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
1999 Discovery Td5 ES
1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
1992 Range Rover 3.9 Efi Vogue
1992 BMW M5 3.8
1988 BMW 735i SE
1989 Ford Sierra XR4x4 2.9i
1981 Ford Fiesta Supersport

Post #142708 24th Sep 2012 11:53am
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