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facelift conversion - front end [2002/5 to 2006/9]

There are a couple of differences: you can re-use the bumper reinforcement bar, you do need to open the fog light holes to fit.
The spoiler mount is different: there are 4 arms on the old crossbar that the tow eye is attached to and I don't know if they allow the new spoiler bits and bumper skin to fit (I had to replace that on my car as it had been in an accident. That was the immediate reason for my upgrade too .). I don't remember ever reading anything about anyone having probs, so in theory it should fit. In a pinch they can be cut off too.

The 06-09 wings are flush where they butt up against the lights. You'll need to cut off the metal tab that sticks fwd about 1" into the headlight area (the turns signal rests on this on the earlier models). This tab also holds the inner wing to the outer, so you need to attach this: Adam from (site is gone) used auto body glue - I used aluminium angle and alum pop rivets.

The original bumper corner brackets fit better than the new ones I purchased (I might have modified them a bit with the grinder)

The wheel well liners don't fit either but with a little creativity they can be adapted. I made new attachment points and used the plastic rivets to hold everything in place.

Headlight plugs do not fit - you'll need new plugs. They are avail for GBP60 on ebay or GBP15 from

Wiring info can be found here in the forum or at If you can't find anything give a shout back.

Here are the absolutely necessary parts as far as I remember (I assume no liability )
- bumper skin
- plastic bumper mounting 'bar' (long plastic piece that holds the headlights and bumper skin top in place)
- fog lights and rings
- washer nozzles and covers (you'll need a new high pressure pump to make these work)
- headlights + grill
- spoiler bits (3 pieces IIRC)
- 'wing' spoiler between the 2 bumper end bits (between bumper and lower spoiler)

This is the list of parts we used to upgrade from 2002 to 2006

Bumper skin (facelift type) DPB500921LML
Crash bar DPE500052
Jet Assembly DNJ500220LML (2 of)
Tow Eye cover DPC500280PUY
Jet DNJ500160
Jet DNJ500170
Spoiler DFB500080
Spoiler DFB500090
Headlight mounting panel assy ASW760080
Headlight mounting panel assy ASW760090
Bracket (goes full width) ASU760254
Sleeve WCL500040 (2 of) what were these for? ????
Left fog lamp XBJ 000090
Right fog lamp XBJ 000080
Fog lamp bezel DXB500310LML
Fog lamp bezel DXB500330LML
K&N Air Filter if you have a petrol

What it actually cost:
1 2nd hand bumper inc fogs,bezels, spoilers, lower grills & delivery 350.00
1 Crash bar DPE500052 86.00
1 Headlight mounting panel assy ASW760080 22.50
1 Headlight mounting panel assy ASW760090 22.50
1 Bumper mounting bracket (goes full width) ASU760254 22.95
1 Supercharged grill DHB500183LPO 47.00
2 Old style headlights (bought for electrical sockets from Adam) 112.00
1 Old style headlight (bought for electrical socket from Driffield Show) 30.00
1 O/S Headlight (07/0Cool XBC502020LPO 77.00
1 N/S Headlight (05/06) XBC501322LPO 158.58
1 O/S Wheel arch liner (L/R call them a splash guard) CLF500820 23.50 Estimate
1 N/S Wheel arch liner (L/R call them a splash guard) CLF500830 23.50 Estimate
1 Tiger sealant (grey) 9.64
Total 985.17

2002 headlight pin out for Xenon (pre adaptive type)
2002 headlight & side light wiring loom

Plug pin No O/S N/S Notes
1 Empty Empty
2 Empty Empty
3 White/Purple White/Purple GOTO ECU ???
4 Green/Red Green/Red GOTO ECU ???
5 White/Black White/Black DIM DIP FLAP
6 White/Blue Yellow/Green MAIN POWER TO ECU
7 Brown Brown MAIN EART + DIP FLAP
9 Yellow/Blue White/Green POWER HALOGEN BULB

Side Light plug Grey/Blue Blue/Green
Brown Brown
Indicator plug Blue/Brown Grey/Green
Brown Brown

edited for clarification...... all credit to stevemfr

edit, link added 02/02/12.....
additional info here by pretlove.. ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #87281 13th Oct 2011 8:12pm
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