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Member Since: 13 Jun 2012
Location: UK< Surrey - Near the Middle Close to Some Green Bits
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Adriatic Blue
2002-2005 Headlamp Assembly Removal....

I thought I�d do a mini �How To� in removing the headlamp assembly and removing the front glass and interior finisher following a blown HID lamp.

REMEMBER: The HID/Xenon system uses very high voltages to strike the arc in the lamp � as such DO NOT work on the system with the ignition and/or lamps switched on....turn it all off and wait a few minutes to allow for any voltages to dissipate first.

My L322 has a full wrap-around bullbar fitted so I detail the removal of this too as it also has to be removed before getting the headlamp unit out!

The Bullbar is bolted through the front bumper and also via brackets on the side which are fitted behind the indicator unit.

First carefully lever out the front PDC sensor holder from the bullbar

And disconnect the PDC multiplug

Then carefully prise out the side trim piece from the bullbar headlamp wrap to expose the mounting bolts and undo....

Back round the front and undo the 4 mounting bolts...keep a knee or shoulder against the bullbar to prevent it from falling forward

Slide the bullbar forward and off the bumper, recover the 2 pads that sit under the bullbar to prevent rubbing on the top of the bumper.

Setting the bullbar to oneside, next is to remove the headlamp wiper arm. A liberal spraying of penetrating fluid may help getting the arm off the spindle. Undo the 10mm retaining nut from the shaft and carefully lever off the wiper arm.

reaching inside, undo the large plastic nut that retains the indicator assembly

Release the clip and slide the indicator unit forward slightly and undo the 2 multiplugs to the lamps

Next is to remove the front grill, undo the 3 mounting bolts and wiggle up and tilt forward the grill to reveal the ambient air temperature probe mounted behind the LR badge, disconnect this or remove the probe entirely

Next, carefully prise off the headlamp wiper arm surround � this can be fiddly so just take your time and be patient

Time to unbolt the headlamp assembly....there are 4 bolts, 2x 10mm on top of the unit and 2x 8mm on the bottom (one is easy to get to as it is where the indicator unit was...but the other is under the Oil filter bowl but with a couple of extension bars through the Oil Filter bracket you should be able to get it out!!)

Now carefully slide the unit forward a couple of inches, you may have to slightly push the bumper plastic down a tad to ease removal, once out far enough, remove the two multiplugs to the lamp unit

Voila, the unit is removed

Time to remove the old Xenon lamp, place the unit on a soft surface to prevent damaging the front glass and unclip the cover to expose the electrical connection

The connector does a quarter twist off, then the retaining ring also does a quarter turn and the lamp can be can be seen, they do tend to go pop!!

Now it is prudent to try and get as much of the shattered glass out as possible...using a large flat blade screw driver, prise off the retaining clips, being careful not to let them fly off and get lost and to not let them chip the glass edge.

Carefully remove the glass and the weather seal strip

Now very carefully lift the internal finisher out, this has little locking tabs that hold it in place so go careful when removing

From what I could see, further removal of the lamp bezels would require undoing the lamp alignment screws, and as I have my MOT tomorrow, I thought against going further and to just get out as much as I could as was...

Some careful shaking and poking I managed to get the shattered glass out

A quick visual check of the shutter seems to show that there was no glass trapped within it

Reassemble the headlamp unit and place back into the vehicle � note there is a small tab at the bottom of the receiver that has to locate into the bottom of the headlamp unit as you fit it back into the car....dont bolt it back in just yet, reattach the multiplugs and give it a quick check....remembering the HID/Xenon system uses very high voltages to strike the arc in the lamp so if it doesn�t work first time...don�t try wiggling wires with the lamps switch on, switch off and also the ignition off, what a couple of minutes for any power to dissipate then check your connections.

Once it is all working, rebolt the headlamp assembly in place, replace the wiper trim, replace the indicator unit, reattach the wiper arm in the correct place (not parking properly is a common cause of battery drain on the L322), refit the bullbar and reattach the PDC sensors....

Grab a coffee....

All I have to do know is figure out why the vehicle won�t talk to the All Comms.... 

Post #259318 13th May 2014 11:34pm
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Member Since: 29 Apr 2010
Location: Hampshire
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Thumbs Up Excellent howto as always Thumbs Up

and you got a sunny day too!

My only additions are that on the older cars the rear bolts holding the headlamp unit in are likely to shear (mine did) due to being seized up, so have some spare nuts and bolts available.

Also I thought the headlamp units needed to be "baked" apart, not so Smile .
Experience is the only genuine knowledge, but as time passes, I have forgotten more than I can remember Wink
Volvo V70 P2 2006 2.4 Petrol 170bhp Estate SE
MG Midget Mk1 1962

Previous: L322 Range Rover TDV8 3.6 2008; L322 Range Rover TD6 3.0 2002; P38A Range Rover V8 1999

Post #259320 13th May 2014 11:56pm
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United Kingdom 

another excellent 'how to'...thanks and wiki'fied.. Thumbs Up ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #259341 14th May 2014 6:47am
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Member Since: 13 Jun 2013
Location: Essex
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England 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Adriatic Blue

That was good need to do that myself thanks Thumbs Up 1994 softail full stars n stripes custom harley davidson

Post #259348 14th May 2014 7:13am
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Member Since: 22 Jun 2017
Location: Perth WA
Posts: 776

Australia 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

i am struggling with this at the moment
i had to remove the park/flasher lights to remove the bull bar
the left light has to be replaced any way
there is no way i or any one else can reach in and replace the plastic nut
the bull bar has to be fitted first then some how the lenses
there is a youtube vid but my vehicle is obviously different
any one had this and how did you get round it
unfortunately the pics have gone RR 2005 4.4 petrol
Any spelling mistakes are the fault of spellchecker
Previous MG J2, CITROEN light 15 x 2 gone unfortunately
Present MERC 180e, RANGE ROVER L322, JAGUAR XJS, MERC 280SE, MG F, JAGUAR S-Type 6v 2003, jaguar s-type 8v 2004, Ford Cougar

Post #511932 13th Apr 2019 11:32am
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Member Since: 22 Jun 2017
Location: Perth WA
Posts: 776

Australia 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

just thought i would reply to my post
removed the air filter and with the aid of a 1/4 socket set it was easy RR 2005 4.4 petrol
Any spelling mistakes are the fault of spellchecker
Previous MG J2, CITROEN light 15 x 2 gone unfortunately
Present MERC 180e, RANGE ROVER L322, JAGUAR XJS, MERC 280SE, MG F, JAGUAR S-Type 6v 2003, jaguar s-type 8v 2004, Ford Cougar

Post #514358 5th May 2019 11:57am
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