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Member Since: 17 Apr 2010
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2004 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver
My Reverse Camera Install

I’ve finally got my reverse camera fitted and working and here’s how I done mine. Though it may help someone else in the future. Ive paid under 40 pound to get this up and running. Remember that you need a NTSC camera, just found a 170 degree camera in Birmingham for 11quid.
First off the bits I bought prior to the install

Click image to enlarge

Im no good at soildering so I used these for the joint connectons on the relay
Click image to enlarge

This was the wiring harness with AV input for the camera to plug into, I bought this off a guy on here a while back
Click image to enlarge

First part of the install was to disconnect the plug on the TV tuner and plug the new harness in
Click image to enlarge

So it was the white plug out and plug in the connection harness between them

Then you have to add a wire to the blue plug pin 17
Click image to enlarge

More info on this from this site

Then you need to decide where to fit your camera, I went with what I believe to be a stock location and worked out where I wanted it prior
Click image to enlarge

I then checked the double skin and drilled the holes etc after my technically approach to marking the area where I wanted to fit the camera
Click image to enlarge

Heres the camera fitted initially I used the bolts as washers till I grinded down some smaller self tappers, I don’t this as I didn’t want to come through the paint work or dent the spoiler from underneath with the screws.
Camera fitted
Click image to enlarge

I then run the cable along and hot glue gunned the cable down and run the cable through the grommet into the inside of the car and then through the next grommet into the car its self, I couldn’t get the input cable through the grommet because of its size so I cut it off and reconnected it once the cable was through, I then run the cables down to the TV tuner area.

The next job was tapping the reverse lights which was a white and yellow lead, scotch locked on the cable and run this back to the tv tuner area.

Then come the fun bit a relay to allow the ground to open and close taking control of the TV screen using the earthed wire on pin 17.
I used this wiring diagram form a BMW site to get it wired up

Relay wired up
Click image to enlarge

I don’t like the fact the camera is on the ignition switch and will later try tapping the camera off the other reverse light, the reverse light on its own isn’t powerful enough to activate the camera and the relay hence you need to connect a ignition cable to the camera

This was the best image from the screen I could get this morning, ive since found out this is a 150 degree camera and I’ve now just order a 170 degree camera which will give me more scope.
Click image to enlarge

Hope this helps someone when they come to fitting the camera

Admin note: this post has had its images recovered from a money grabbing photo hosting site and reinstated Mr. Green

Last edited by cliffy on 11th Apr 2014 4:25pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #252366 3rd Apr 2014 11:21am
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Member Since: 17 Apr 2010
Location: Surrey
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2004 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

I will get another image taken of it but it is a really clear picture, i wil be curious to check it tonight and see how it looks at night

Post #252370 3rd Apr 2014 11:28am
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nice job, put in the wiki.. ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #252371 3rd Apr 2014 11:29am
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Member Since: 25 Oct 2011
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France 2007 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thumbs Up thanks for the write up!

Post #252372 3rd Apr 2014 11:34am
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Thumbs Up

Another smart job, thanks for sharing Thumbs Up If it dont work.......burn it!

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Post #253363 8th Apr 2014 6:24pm
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Member Since: 17 Apr 2010
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2004 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thanks guys I just hope it helps Thumbs Up

Little update 400miles since fitting it and what a difference it makes, night time reversing etc is good quality and still a clear pic etc, the rear lights etc even in a pitch black area give enough illumination for a good picture even all the way up where ive installed the camera

Just got to put my 170degree camera on now, ill do this before the bank holiday weekend and put pics before and after on here

Post #253876 11th Apr 2014 4:19pm
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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Hi, I have just brought a 004 L322 and would like to fit a reversing camera, to save the bumper when hitching up trailers. Having read your post I'm now gutted that I purchased a 5" monitor for the camera I also brought. I was under the impression that you needed fit a DVT up grade to achieve the camera input Evil or Very Mad
Just a couple of things

1) where do you get the pins from, for the plugs on the TV module?
2) would the addition of a double pole relay solve the issue of the camera being on all the time, i.e. one side switches Blue 17 to earth and the other side switches +12 the camera. Simples I think Confused

Post #270594 13th Jul 2014 12:49pm
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I have now fitted my camera and WOW!!!
It is working better that I thought it would, I went down a slightly different route to you lot and adjusted an X5 unit to fit in place of 1 of the number plate lights. The whole thing has set me back about £36 and a few odds and ends that shouldn't cost more than a few pounds.
Camera X5 number plate fitment £25 off ebay, this was the same dimensions as the Range Rover light. But I soon discovered that the X5 has a lot more room in the rear upper tailgate, I think it must be a lot more vertical. Anyway the unit wouldn't fit so I scratched my head. After half an hour of head scratching my finger bled, it would appear that I got a splinter Laughing
Not tobe out done by a bit of Chinese plastic, I got out the dremmel and started to trim. The end result was I got it to fit, by removing plastic from both the camera and the light housing / tailgate handle. Next I connected the light wires to the smd led that came with the camera, this does require some tweaking as it sets off the dashboard warning at the moment, watch this space!!
I then ran the video cable up the offside of the tailgate and thought the rubber pipe into the car. I also connected the power for the camera as the video lead had a positive lead built in, I earthed the neg to the tailgate. When trying to feed the cable through the rubber pipe into the car, it is advisable to tape the end of the plug, as it is sharp, I didn't at first and it cut into the pipe and got stuck Sad
I then ran the cable down the offside and into the boot, across the rear and into the the brains box ( TV Satnav). This would appear tobe the wrong way to run the cable, but the one supplied was 6M long, and by the time I had got to the TV module I had about an 8" excess, not a 10 ft one!
Wiring - I used a DPDT relay. This was wired as follows; Live feed from the reversing lights to one side of the coil, the other side of the coil to earth ( used one of the nav player mounting bolts for this)
One side of the relay was earthed and used to switch pin 17 of the blue plug on the Tv module.
The other side of the relay was given a +12 feed and used to switch power to the camera via the video lead.
I did prewire the relay and pot it ( covered the top in jollop to stop the wires touching, this can be done with a number of things, I used PU Flex Adhesive (because I could and it was there!) silicone or epoxy would work too)
Lastly I connected the video wires into the white plug, video+ to pin 13 video- to pin 14. I used an old female phono plug that I had lying around, and tryed to make it work with the coax that was already on it, it broke Big Cry so I did it again and it broke again Censored so I opted for 2 short bits of wire, about 3" long, ran these from the phono to the white plug and it worked Very Happy Whats more there would appear tobe no loss of signal using the short wires.
Parts used:-

X5 Camera with led tail lights, £25 from ebay
7180891 Contact female 0.5-0.75mm² Quadlock £3.29 RS components for 10! spares!!
8004489 Relay Miniature Power 10A DPST 12V £1.71 RS Components
£4.95 postage, which was a lot cheaper than driving 30 miles to my nearest RS trade centre!

And finally I did in cure an unexpected cost of having to replace those Censored plastic clips that hold the trim on. I broke the lot! got hit on the head 4 times and gave up in disgust. The next day I got some new clips from Eurocar Parts and got a panel beater friend to help...... It took 3 of us to get the trim to stay on the tailgate, it was getting caught on the wires on the off side Censored
Anyway we found that if you hold the trim in place and put the screws in first before pushing the clips home, things will be a lot less stressful Cool

I can see my tow hitch Wink
Although tobe fair I do have a Ladder Height Adjuster fitted, and this does make it stick out a few inches more than std.

Post #273598 30th Jul 2014 12:06pm
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Found this thread and it's exactly what I was looking for as I also tow frequently and this would make lining the towing hitch up very easy.
One question, has anyone used the "wireless" cameras that you can buy ? This would avoid having to route the thick video wires through the tailgate and car.

Post #316402 5th Mar 2015 6:28pm
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Hi, I've not used a wireless camera for a long time, they are prone to electrical interference, and could cause the picture to breakup at the worst moment. Also to enable the use of wireless you will need to get a power feed out the tailgate to the camera, in all honesty I would use a hard wired one.
If you go down the route that I took, there will be a fair bit of trimming needed to the camera and the handle / number plate assembly to make it fit, that's the down side. But on the up side, the camera is almost invisible and sits directly over the tow hitch, all be it slightly offset. But I got used to the offset very quickly, and it also has the bonus that, if you line the near side guide lines up with the curb, the wheels are just touching Thumbs Up
Alternatively, you could fit a small camera just above the number plate and run the wires through the lower tailgate, this would mean that you'd have to drill a hole in the tailgate, but it would a lot easier to route the cable, as it would exit the tailgate into the spare wheel well, next to the TV tuner, for easy wiring! Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
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Post #316472 5th Mar 2015 10:33pm
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Something like this would do the job

Or for a neater job, and easier adjustment

In fact looking at that second one, in uses a special plug that is a lot smaller than the phono plugs that are the norm, looks like you'd get away with a 6-8 mm hole. If you were to opt for that one, I'd recommend either fitting it on a warm day of warming the panel with a hair drier, as it's stick on. Also use some brake cleaner / lighter fluid / alcohol to de-grease the area before sticking. I recon that if you can get it to fit in the middle of the tailgate, just above the number plate, you wont have any worries hitching a trailer up Thumbs Up Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
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Post #316475 5th Mar 2015 10:48pm
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thanks. I appreciate your advice. Have you managed to clear the bulb warning issue caused by the led ?
Also, how were you able to connect the earth wire to pin 17 ? Did you simply stuff the wire into the connector or use a redundant pin from another connector ?
Is this the wiring that's required ?

Sorry for all the questions but I'd rather learn from others rather than make a c*ck of it.

Post #316476 5th Mar 2015 10:49pm
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Member Since: 30 Aug 2014
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I am thinking of adding a second camera for hitching up to the tin tent and thought about a wireless one near the tow bar wired into the tow sockets for power. I can use the factory one for normal reversing, although I think it could do with an upgrade, and connect the second one to my phone when hitching up.

Post #316493 6th Mar 2015 7:46am
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Fish, I would have thought the Venture Cam is pretty good for that sort of thing although not having ever had a caravan i'm not qualified to comment - but I don't let that stop me Rolling with laughter Geoff

Post #316521 6th Mar 2015 9:58am
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interesting thread here Fish, ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #316524 6th Mar 2015 10:03am
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