I fitted my new Bosch s5 silver 110ah 020 battery this afternoon and took a few pictures.
If you look at the spec of a type 020 battery you will see it is 393mm long. There is some debate as to wether they will fit in some FFRR's because of the explosive charge on the +ve lead which hangs down at the side of the battery. My MY2006 did not have the charge down the side so it was not an issue.... It fitted easily.
Firstly I put the bonnet into access mode. Push the clip down on the bottom of the gas strut fitting, watch it does not ping away! Pull the strut away. Hold the bonnet, walk to the other side, same again.
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The bonnet then moves to a near vertical position. Pull the metal tabs on the hinge and clip them over the stud to hold the bonnet up.
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This now gives great access to the engine bay and battery compartment.
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There is a guide in the wiki on how to disconnect the battery terminals... Please refer to that before the next stage.
Unscrew the clamps that hold the battery down.
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Don't worry about the clamps falling from the rod. They are retained.
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With the leads off, you now need to take the lead off from the back of the jump start stud. Take the plastic cover off, watch, it is not retained by a plastic strap and can fall under the battery tray..
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Move all the leads to the side.
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The battery is now free to lift out. Straight up and out worked fine for me. Just make sure the leads are out of the way.
And you are left with a nice empty battery bay.
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Lift the new battery up, and pop it into place. Now, that might be easy for me to say as I am about 6'1" so you might need a platform or a help, but it will go in without trouble. Push the battery to the back of the tray it sits on and tighten up the holding clamps. Refit the lead to the +ve jump start stud.
Again, please read the wiki on how to connect the battery terminals.
New battery in and held tightly.
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Take the bonnet out of access by removing the clips on the hinge, lower it until the gas struts will push back onto the studs, then put the spring clips back on from the bottom up. You will see grooves in the plastic, just slide the clips up these with a screwdriver to push them.
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When you start the car, you will have to turn the steering wheel all the way to the left then all the way to the right to clear the errors disconnection causes. Reset the clock.
Job done.
I now notice when the car starts it turns over better. I even notice the door locks moving faster ! So, hopefully no more flat batteries for a few years. :thumbsup:
Admin note: this post has had its images recovered from a money grabbing photo hosting site and reinstated Previously..
Vogue SE TD6
Defender 90 2.4
Defender 110 TD5
Vogue 3.5 EFI
