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Member Since: 18 Apr 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged Supercharged Java Black
Supercharger pulley upgrade installed :)

So I picked up my SC today after having the upper pulley changed (as well as a oil change on the supercharger). I was going to have the lower done as well, but unfortunately it doesn't fit the FFRR. I was initially disappointed at the fact it's only a 6% pulley, but then I actually got in the car and had a drive......

WOW!!! It's a subtle but seriously amazing difference. I did expect it to have a bit more shove, but instead it just feels smoother, a LOT quicker to spin up the revs and everything just feels easier. I'm waiting on a quote for a free flow exhaust (also to give a better departure angle), which I'll not hesitate to return to the guy who did my pulley to get it fitted.

On a side note he found something that had been half-arsedly repaired in the past on the radiator, so he fixed it as part of installing the pulley without adding any major cost to the install. You've got to love someone who will go that extra mile! 
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Post #147094 19th Oct 2012 7:00pm
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Member Since: 02 Oct 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Java Black

Ooh sounds interesting, what was it exactly you had done??

Post #147508 22nd Oct 2012 3:40pm
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Member Since: 18 Apr 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged Supercharged Java Black

On a supercharged engine there is a pair of pulleys with a belt connecting the crankshaft to the supercharger. If you change the size of the pulleys you get a bit more air forced into the supercharger which a provides moderate power boost across the rev range. Mostly it seems to have vastly reduced the slight sluggishness the SC engine had, and making the car feel a little smoother to drive. 
07 Supercharged - Still breaking her in!

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Post #147517 22nd Oct 2012 4:46pm
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Do you mind me asking how much it all cost? PM if you'd rather Thumbs Up

Post #147519 22nd Oct 2012 5:27pm
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Member Since: 16 Nov 2010
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Vogue SE Supercharged Java Black

Please post up more details in regards to where to get hold of the pulley and cost.

Interested in doing this to mine.

Also thinking about an exhaust change.

Post #147521 22nd Oct 2012 5:29pm
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Member Since: 18 Apr 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged Supercharged Java Black

I used Powerhouse Automotive in Sheffield ( as they make the pulleys themselves. It was around £375ish including VAT to have it fitted and the superchargers oil changed (seems to make a difference). As he did some minor remediation work on the back of the radiator it might be cheaper for others.

If you're happy to grind off your old pulley and faff around with acetylene torches to put the pulley on, you could purchase the pulley on it's own for £120. However looking at how much of an arse of a job it was I'd probably recommend leaving it to the experts! If you went for a smaller upper pulley (10% driven speed increase) for more boost then you need to modify the supercharger snout, which is something I didn't want to do. So while I haven't got a huge boost in power, I've gained in noticeable smoothness and it is noticeably quicker to pick up.

I had some good conversations with Lawson who is the guy who owns the company and does these upgrades. I'm also waiting on a quote for a custom exhaust still (as mentioned in OP), but I'm definitely going to have it fitted. He has some great insight into Jag engines and also where he is situated he has a former Jag mechanic in the unit next door who he's on good terms with. 
07 Supercharged - Still breaking her in!

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Post #147542 22nd Oct 2012 6:50pm
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Member Since: 11 Sep 2011
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

would a acetylene torch not melt the oil seals, when I worked as a mechanic we used to say the torch was for when all else failed Confused How can a small firm know better than the people who designed the car, if it was that easy Land Rover would have done it. I think you'll find some compromises with reliability or not enough oil being fed to the charger bearings? Range Rover 4.4 V8 Vogue

Post #147701 23rd Oct 2012 7:49pm
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Member Since: 18 Apr 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged Supercharged Java Black

The torch is to heat the pulley going back on as it's an interference fit, so there's not much heat soak back to the seals.

In terms of why JLR didn't do it, it's a simple one: the engine is mass produced with tolerances allowing it to work in a wide range of temperatures. Since I won't be driving in Africa or California anytime soon it's an upgrade that takes advantage of our cooler climate. If it ever did hit 40+ degrees in the UK then I'm buying a convertible Smile 
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Post #147736 24th Oct 2012 5:35am
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Member Since: 11 Jan 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Zermatt Silver

Just reviving this post as you might be able to guess that it's a modification I'm now considering for my '07 S/C. For anyone that's able to answer, I've a few questions:-

1. Is a remap with this modifcation ABSOLUTELY necessary and beneficial, or is it a marginal gain compared to the pulley change itself?

2. I've been given a power gain of 40+bhp and a 60nM torque increase for the pulley and remap combined. Is this a reasonable estimate?

3. Considering, I imagine, that the intercooler has probably never been cleaned, is doing this a straightforward job for access or best left in expert hands? Is it, indeed, even considered necessary?

Power or torque gains aren't my absolute markers here, but an improvement to low-down pick-up is.

4. Am I being a Censored and should I just accept that standard is plenty and stop mucking about? Si. <This is my name.

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Post #188637 16th May 2013 10:14am
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Member Since: 06 May 2011
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2006 Range Rover Autobiography Supercharged Zambezi Silver

The SC doesn't have an intercooler........its a charge cooler so comment about intercooler needing cleaned is not valid.

TBH, do you really need to do this mod ? I find that the standard SC has more than enough power and I'm always nervous of mucking about with things such as boost levels as it's just another thing to confuse the ECU and put you into reduced power mode / fault code condition..... Stolen / Gone: 2006MY Supercharged LPG Autobiography - Zambezi Silver with Sand/Jet/Jet Oxford Leather.....

Post #188649 16th May 2013 11:08am
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Member Since: 18 Apr 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged Supercharged Java Black

1. A remap is not essential at all, and is only needed if you change your catalytic converters. Otherwise the ECU simply adapts to the available air. I only had mine remapped to cure check engine lights after the new exhaust went on. A better option is to have 1 step colder spark plugs put in (or 2 steps if your mad like me).

2. Depends on pulley size. Mine (+6% speed) gave a good 20-25bhp improvement around the 2500-4000 rpm mark and around 5-10 bhp at the top end. This is due to the Eaton being at near max efficiency anyway, so spinning faster just generates heat.

3. Take the front grille off and clean the intercooler very gentle with soapy water and a brush and hose it off with a gentle hosing. I hit mine with the pressure washer and some of the elements got bent out of shape and it took me 2 hours with a screwdriver to re-align them. You will get loads of crap come out of the intercooler and it does make a marginal difference

4. No, a 6% pulley upgrade doesn't give you massive power, it just makes the car feel a little more perky without being nervous. Definitely one of the best mods I've done and certainly the best value for money. 
07 Supercharged - Still breaking her in!

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Post #188650 16th May 2013 11:12am
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Member Since: 02 Oct 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Java Black

Have an oil service booked tomorrow for the SC and I'm told it will probably be necessary to change the diff and transfer box oil as well as doing the brake fluid too. Anything else that ought to be done do you think...2007 with 64K?

Assuming it all goes according to plan the pulley upgrade will be next on the list...seems like a sensible upgrade.

Post #188672 16th May 2013 12:36pm
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Member Since: 11 Jan 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Zermatt Silver

Thanks gents and an interesting reply. Thumbs Up

The chap I'm speaking to who is local (tuning firm with well established JLR S/C experience) advises the remap is pretty much essential to make full use of the pulley upgrade.

Now I'm a born sceptic and have been mentally questioning this as I know there's a good profit in remaps over time. I understand what they do and have had a few on various past cars I've owned.

But it doubles the cost and the price I've been given nudges 4 figures for the whole job. I can't fault the completeness of their offer but call into question the efficiency of the benefits compared to the cost.

I also know of another company who isn't local to me who can probably do the whole job for a lot less, but there's occasion to keep these things quiet from certain people, if you get my meaning. Wink

The pulley upgrade is something I'm now sold on. No isssues there. The remap isn't, unless anyone can provide a convincing counterpoint. Si. <This is my name.

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Post #188674 16th May 2013 12:44pm
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Another Stupid Question

Is this modification in any way visible to the eye (i.e the layman looking around the car and/ or the qualified 'technician' getting in about the car)?

Would such a mod invalidate a LR or any othe warranty?; &

Affect insurance (i.e if you had 'a bump' and an engineer looked at the car, this permanent performance modification would be obvious/ invalidate your insurance unless you had declared it)?

Please/ thanks...


Post #188683 16th May 2013 1:50pm
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Member Since: 11 Jan 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Zermatt Silver

The pulley upgrade is invisible from opening the bonnet. Covers would need removed to see, from what I gather.

The remap is invisible physically, but I don't know to what extent it 'interferes' with the remainder of the S/C's software. I gather it just affects engine function and shouldn't be detected when being serviced. Si. <This is my name.

I eat rat poison.

A man ain't truly been insulted until he stands buck naked in front of a woman and she didn't even notice. Or care.

Post #188687 16th May 2013 2:02pm
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